How to go

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Viral video are all the rage! I mean how cool would it be to a self created star. For the first time in history Social media provides us with that opportunity and we are here to teach you all about it. Also how going viral can result in increased followers, comments, like and customers. Unlike some industries on social media you don’t have to sell your soul to go viral.

Use Great Content:

 Your content has a very significant role to play in your ability to go viral. Especially on Instagram where there gorgeous ladies, death defying stunts, & celebrities on every other post. Constantly post good content and become well known for it…. The Instagram algorithm requires you to get an excessive amount of likes and comments in the first 5 -10 minutes after posting.  As a result you will need an audience who is consistent in supporting your brand.

Understand Your Audience:

 The key to online popularity. You need to get people talking about you but how ? You need to understand that when you produce content, you cannot address everybody, Focus on your target audience and spark their interest.

Induce Action:

When you post, you should ensure that your content drive your audience to action immediately. Your content should make them like, comment or repost your posts to ensure they reach a broad audience and your brand comes to the screen of as many users as possible. The more likes and comments you get the more likely you are to go viral.

Use Influencers:

If you do not have the reach (Followers & Engagement Rate) you will need the help of other people who have gone viral or have a devout audience #Influencers.  Influencers are people with a large amount of followers in a specific niche. Use their reach by getting them post, repost and share your best content. This can bring your brand to the screen of  thousands and in some cases millions of new followers. Using influencers with a large audience can be pretty expensive so if your budget does not allow use micro influencers that directly reflect your brand.

Use your best content! 

You only have 30 seconds to turn a viewer into a potential client so make sure your content focuses on doing so first things first. Shoeing large amounts of cash and beautiful people is an easy way to ensure they will here you out. If that is against your ethics then come up with something funny and/or entertaining.  Here at the perception network we are experts at the viral game and have a service dedicated to ensuring that all the pieces are put into place to maximize your opportunity to go viral!

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