Did you buy fake followers?
Lets face the facts instagram is community unlike one we have ever seen before. Values and Morals are put the test day after day for the slightest glimpse of fame. With this in mind it is hard to knock ese people who are taking advantage of this platform and using it as an opportunity to launch careers . Over the years we have seen instagram turn people of all walks of life into celebrities. Here’s a list of people you may know but had no clue that they started off on instagram !
Moving on to the topic at hand ! Wherever there is opportunity and money to be made their will always be individuals looking to exploit that opportunity . Thus fake followers were born.
What are fake followers ?
Somewhere their is a computer geek sitting behind his computer which he has programmed to constantly create instagram accounts . These accounts can then be controlled to go out and follow , like and comment on different users posts.
The people who control these accounts sell likes comments and follows… 1000’s at a time. So you have you people in the world who want to appear famous on instagram . They spend a few dollars on the dark web and walla they have thousands of followers in a couple hours…
Now if you need fake followers to make you look big that’s fine but understand you will only fool people for so long.
Why does it matter ?
Companies big and small are willing to pay people who have influence in particular industries for highlighting the products tha that company makes. Its a great opportunity to make money while doing what you love .However these companies cant and wont hre you unless your influence meets their standards .
How they measure