Great Content

Content is king.”
This quote has moved through the internet and it is in the head of every marketing strategy used to improve traffic for the purposes of selling products and building a brand. Content is consists of the photos/videos we post on Instagram with the intention on catching a new eye. It also consists of the caption that drives home every inference the viewer might have drawn from the image or video you posted. Content is the backbone of marketing so it’s critical that your content is well tailored, to keep your visitors interested in your posts. “Great Content 101” is here to help you create exceptional content that will get more likes, comments, and, followers.

What Makes Content Great?
The question of the day! To be considered great and catch new eyes your content should check off the following qualifications.

Is it aimed at your target audience ?
Great contents are focused on providing valuable information that opens up new lines of communication for everyone interested in the niche of your profile.

Is your content engaging? 

This is where most people go wrong. It’s so common for marketers to create content that talks at an audience but this will fail to spark the interests of your viewers. As a results your likes and comments will begin to drop dramatically. Try asking questions that relate to your audience on a personal level. They will love you for it .

Confidence, Confidence Confidence! 

Great content is written in an active tone. If you want to create content that converts, avoid being  passive always talk directly to the viewer. Use a Call-to-Action. Call-to-actions are short sentences that trigger the audience complete a task. This may be as simple as “Put our favorite Instagram Marketing Strategy in the comments section”.  Simple yes or no questions are great way to get to get to know your audience. “Do you have enough followers?”. Call-to-actions encourages the audience to take an action & when used properly can provide valuable insight for you as a brand owner.

Get to the point.

Great must be short and straight to the point. If your content is too long, no matter how useful it is, only your devout followers will have the patience to read it to the end. Humans have grown pretty impatient when it comes to reading, scrolling through their newsfeed there are so many post to be to be viewed so keep it very simple, short and straight to the point.

Provide visual stimulation. 

Humans tend to learn more from what they see and we are easily drawn to pictures and video so, including a video or photo will help grab someone attention long enough for you to get your point across. Make sure that the visuals your provide are meaningful and directly related to your captions and call-to-action. You only have 1 minute on instagram so video should get straight to the point.

Remember creating great content takes time as no one becomes an expert overnight.  Need more advise? The Perception Network is here to answer all of your social media needs as you grow your brand.

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